How to create a new booking manually in ResBook PMS

ResBook PMS defines the Manual booking form as a form/way to enter guest booking information into the ResBook PMS calendar. This approach is useful when taking bookings over the phone or via email.

Step 1:
Add a new booking using the Manual Booking Form by choosing one of the below methods:

1. Calendar View Selection:
Click on the desired date and stock unit in the Calendar availability grid.

2. Selection on Booking tab:

Go to the homepage and hover over the 'Bookings' tab and select [New Booking]. 

3. Shortcut Selection:

Go to the homepage and click on the 'plus sign' and select [New Booking].

Step 2:
Enter Booking Details

Please note:
 All fields marked with * are compulsory. Enter the following details to fill in the booking form:

An overview of the details required to complete the manual booking form:




Refers to the Stock unit (Room name/Property name) or Classification. As selected by the ResBook PMS user, using the drop-down box. By clicking on the plus sign next to the Unit field, the user can add an additional stock unit to the booking making it a multi-room booking.


The number of guests to expect in this Booking.

Contact Name

The user is required to create a new contact or search and assign a contact that already exists by typing the first three letters of a guest name.

Booking Name

User-defined field to identify the Reservation or Actual guest occupying the unit if it is different from the contact/company/booking agent.


User-defined field to identify the status of the Reservation. Use the drop-down box to change selection.

Arrival Date/Departure Date

The arrival date is the date the guest will be arriving at the property. The departure date is the date they will be leaving the property.


Indicates the number of nights guest(s) will be staying.


These fields will automatically populate pertaining to the settings under [General Settings]. Any check-in/out time set on the stock unit level will not apply to the manual booking form.

Base Nightly Rate

This will automatically populate on the screen depending on the rate set for the stock unit.

Promo Code

This can be applied provided that the Promo code is already created and you subscribed to the Promo codes module.


Discount can be applied based on Fixed amount or percentage deduction on the nightly rate.

Average Nightly Rate

This field will automatically populate by calculating the total rate of the booking and averaging it out by the number of nights.

Step 3: Collect Additional Information

  • Here you can add additional information to the booking by clicking the [plus sign]. These include details such as 'Estimated Time of Arrival', 'Allergies', and 'Dietary Requirements'. If you have added any additional fields into your booking form from the [System settings] and [Booking Forms], then they will appear here under the 'Additional Information' section of the booking form.
  • If you have labeled any of these fields as required, then the * will appear next to the field, and you will be required to fill these fields out before you can save the booking.

Step 4:
 Enter Any Notes and Comments

  • Notes and comments can also be included in the Booking details by clicking the [plus sign]. Anything entered into 'Important Notes' will be found on the calendar availability grid when you:
    • Old calendar user: hover over the Booking
    • New calendar user: click on the Booking
    • Agenda user: open the Booking and view the information in the Manual Booking form itself

Step 5: Add an Agent

  • To add an agent to the booking, click the [plus sign]. Then use the drop-down box to assign an agent to the booking. 
  • An agent can only be assigned to the booking if they have been created as a contact in the CRM. If you have not already, head to Add Agent Contact.
  • The commission level is prepopulated with the information from the Agent contact, however, it can be overridden in the Manual booking form to any desired value.

Step 6:
 Finalise the Manual Booking form using one of the below options:

  • Once the above additions are entered and the form is saved, the booking form will capture the data accordingly. Scroll down to [SAVE] and select [SAVE] again.

  • Click on [SAVE] and then [SAVE & SEND] if you would like to send out an email to the guest from one of the appropriate email templates, for example 'Adding a Reservation (Confirmed)'. Once the template has been sent, the Booking will be saved automatically.

Please Note
: You must ensure all email templates are filled in and activated.