How to override rates in ResChannels / Channex for OTAs

If you want to change the rates for a specific stock unit linked to any OTAs via channel manager - ResChannels / Channex - this can be done by logging in to your Channex portal and following the below steps from 1 to 4:

Before you follow the steps, please read the below notes to consider

  • If you change anything in ResBook PMS and send an update for rates from your PMS it will override your manual changes in Channex.
  • Suppose you want to push everything from ResBook and upsell your rates by the same amount/percentage for all your stock units connected via OTAs from within Channex. In that case, it is recommended to follow the below article:
    How to upsell rates to OTA channels
  • This article applies to the scenario when you have multiple stock units linked to the same OTAs but want to override the rates just for 1 or a few stock units connected to that OTA. This will change the rates for only that stock unit and not for all.
  1. Go to Inventory
  2. Click on the rate for the date you wish to change for a particular stock unit
  3. The popup box will open as below:
    Enter the Value you wish to amend > Enter the date period > Click OK

  4. This will send your new override rates to OTAs connected against the stock unit