ResBook Email Templates Property And Room Tags

Property/Room Tags

Tags unique to a specific inventory unit.

E-mail Tags

Tags Purpose and Function

Stock Unit Description

Information of this tag will be retrieved from: Settings > Stock Configurations > Select Stock Unit > Description

Stock Unit Primary Image

The first image added to the Stock unit under 'Photo Gallery'.

Bed Configuration

Information of this bed configuration will be retrieved from: Settings > Stock Configurations > Select Stock Unit > Beds

Key Lock Box Code

Information of this code will be retrieved from: Settings > General Settings > Always use default KLBC (yes) > Default KLBC

Room E-mail Content

Information of the tag will be retrieved from: Settings > Stock Configurations > Select Stock Unit > E-mail Content

Stock Unit Name

Information of this will be retrieved from: Settings > Stock Configurations > Select Stock Unit > Name

Stock Unit Address

Information of this will be retrieved from: Settings > Stock Configurations > Select Stock Unit > Address > Address Line 1

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