How to create a Blog Category

You can add categories to your blog to help readers easily locate the content they want.

  1. Login to your website CMS by using the Login and Password provided to you
  2. When logged in, scroll the left sidebar until you see Blog
  3. Click on Categories
  4. You will see the list of existing Blog Categories (if you have any created)
  5. You can either click on existing Category to edit it or click "+ New" button to create a new category
  6. Inside of the editor you would need to fill in settings (you can copy and paste the same title across all 3 fields):
    • URL - what will show on the link of the website when user selects this blog category. For example:
    • CMS name - what will show in the list of Categories in the CMS
    • Navigation name - what will show on the Category Sidebar on the website
  7. Click on the SEO tab and fill in Meta data
  8. Click Save
  9. After creating your categories, you can click into the box next to the categories to add a rank which will adjust the order they appear on the website. Click 'Save Rank'
  10. All new Categories will be first Hidden. To publish it select the Tick Box next to the category name and click Publish