How to change the Accommodations display?

When you use the Accommodation module on pages of your webiste, you can customize hos it is showing.

Go to Accommodation > Settings

You can leave any of the fields listed below if you wish to.

Featured Accommodations

The first tab refers to the display of featured accommodations.

  • you can change the heading of the section
  • the short description underneath the heading
  • the text on the CTA button (button label)
  • the page of the website the button directs to, the destination page
Example of how content loaded in the CMS renders on the frontend:
CMS Backend Website Frontend


Explore Other Accommodations

The second tab refers to the display of the other accommodations on an accommodation detail page.

  • you can change the heading of the section
  • you can tick mark if you want to display more accommodations or not
Example of how content loaded in the CMS renders on the frontend:
CMS Backend Website Frontend


Booking CTA

The third tab refers to the display of the CTA banner

  • you can change the heading of the banner
  • you can change the enquiry button text
  • you can change the URL the enquiry button directs to (Enquiry Button URL)

Example of how content loaded in the CMS renders on the frontend:

CMS Backend Website Frontend