ResBook PMS - Access & Use
ResBook PMS - Calendar
ResBook PMS - Settings
ResBook PMS - Contacts
ResBook PMS - Payments (ResPay)
ResBook PMS - Invoices
ResBook PMS Reporting
ResBook PMS - OTA Channel Manager
ResBook PMS - Integrations
The Booking Engine
ResBook Guests Booking Calendar
ResBook PMS - Additionnal Modules
NetZone Websites
How does Cronofy work and what information ResBook sends to Cronofy?
ResBook never sends any booked room information to Cronofy. It only sends the `Booking Number - Booking Name` as summary, Arrival & Departure dates and status, guest name, total amount, important note, and comments in Description and event location data which is the address of the room.
There is no way to send the room names against the bookings to Cronofy. The only workaround that can be done is to add the room name in the 'Booking Name' field in the booking form.
This is what is shown on the connected calendars as below:
Example is from Google Calendar