ResBook PMS System Settings: Standard Replies

System Settings - Standard Replies

To activate Standard Replies, you must de-activate Email Templates.

Once Email Templates are disabled, you can go to Settings (the gear icon), then select [System Settings] and scroll to find [Standard Replies]. 

This page will then appear: 

This table outlines what triggers each response:

Reply 1:
Reservation Request Response

is triggered when:
  • A booking is made on the Online Booking Form, Instant Confirmation is switched off, and Credit Card Details is switched off.

Reply 2:
Reservation Acceptance Response

is triggered when:
  • A manual booking is made with either a Pending Confirmation or Confirmed in the "Status" field. The booking must be saved first before you can send this email. 

Reply 3:
Sent when guest confirms back with credit card details

is triggered when:
  • A booking is made via the Online Booking Form, Instant Confirmation is turned on, and Credit Card Details is also switched on.

Reply 4:
Thanking Guest Email

is triggered when:
  • 2 days after a guest's booking has come to an end