Can I Have 2 Different ResBook PMS Windows Open at the Same Time?
It is possible to have 2 different ResBook PMS windows open at once. There are 2 methods of achieving this:
- Having two different browsers open at the same time
- Or utilizing Private/Incognito Mode on your current browser.
1. Having Two Browsers Open
Open up the first browser, and log in to ResBook PMS as normal. To then have a second window, open up another browser on your computer, and proceed to ResBook PMS. You can log in with the same login you currently are using on your first browser, or you can use another login and have two separate accounts on two different windows.
2. Private Browsing/Incognito Mode
You can also utilize private browsing/incognito mode to have 2 ResBook PMS windows open at once. Use the following table to learn how to turn on Private Browsing/Incognito Mode on your chosen browser.
Internet Explorer | Open up Internet Explorer and click on the button, and then click on "Safety". A menu will appear with the option of "InPrivate Browsing". Click on this, and the Private Browsing window will appear. |
Google Chrome | Open up Chrome and click on the button. A menu will appear with the option of "New Incognito Window". Click on this, and the Incognito Mode window will appear. |
Firefox | Open up Firefox and click on the button. A menu will appear with the option of "New Private Window". Click on this, and the Private Browsing window will appear. |
Microsoft Edge | Open up Edge and click on the button. A menu will appear with the option of "New InPrivate Window". Click on this, and the Private Browsing window will appear. |
Safari | Open up Safari and click on "File > New Private Window". Click on this, and the Private Browsing window will appear. |
Once you have opened up Private Browsing/Incognito Mode, proceed to ResBook PMS and log in using the account you have in the first main window, or log in using another ResBook PMS account.