Bookings Report - Forward Bookings Monthly Summary Report
PrintYou can access the Forward Bookings Monthly Summary Report from the ResBook navigation menu. Go to Bookings and choose Forward Bookings from the drop-down options.
Once the Forward Bookings Monthly Summary report has opened, just simply adjust the dates along with the filters of your choice.
This report displays all confirmed and pending bookings with four filter options of the Arrival date, Departure date, Booked Date, and Active Within.
Filter Options:
- Arrival Date: Use for selecting all bookings in which guests are arriving between the dates range selected.
- Departure Date: Use for selecting all bookings in which guests are departing within the dates range selected.
- Booked Date: Use for selecting all bookings with the booked dates between the dates range selected.
- Active Within: Use for selecting all bookings which are active within the period of the date range selected. This will include all bookings that are active within the selected period irrespective of their arrival or departure date.
Note: This report will open under a new tab to help you navigate to ResBook easily. Please make sure that the popup is enabled in your browser settings.
You will be able to view:
- Month and Year of the relevant data (by clicking on the specific month in the column Month, you will be redirected to a list of bookings, that are included in the calculation)
- Booking total for Pending bookings
- Booking total for Confirmed bookings
Bookings that are taken in count:
- Pending and Confirmed bookings
- Physical and Virtual stock units
- Bookings departing within the date range
Download/Print Options: You can export the data into a .csv file or a pdf file and adjust the reporting format to your liking. Once exported, the report can be printed.
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