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Bookings Report - Cancelled Bookings
Bookings Report - Cancelled Bookings
PrintOnce the Cancelled Bookings report has opened, just simply adjust the dates to your choice to bring up the entries you want.
You can generate the report based on:
- Arrival Date
- Cancellation Date
You will be able to view:
- Booking ID
- Days to Arrival
- Booking Name
- Room (Stock Unit)
- Pax (Number of Guests)
- Arrival Date
- Departure Date
- Date Booked
- Nights
- Currency
- Balance Owing
- Status
- Cancellation Reason
- Cancellation Date and Time
Bookings that are taken in count:
- Cancelled by Gues or Cancelled by Property status
- Physical and Virtual stock units
- Bookings arriving within the date range
Export/Print Options: You can browse the report by Booking ID, Booking Name, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Status, Cancellation Reason, Cancellation Date and Time or Export the data into a CSV file and adjust the reporting format to your liking. Once in Microsoft Excel, the report can be printed.